
  1. Dispatch Brand of the year
  2. Courier Company
  3. Fulfillment Company
  4. Warehouse Operations
  5. Safety Operations
  6. Courier Equipment Provider
  7. Fleet Operations
  8. Packaging Operations
  9. Fastest Growing brand
  10. Small Business operations
  11. Best HR brand
  12. Best HR brand
  13. Freight operations
  14. Refrigerated operations
  15. Best consultancy
  16. Geolocating Brand
  17. 3PL brand
  18. Overseas operations
  19. Best same day delivery Brand
  20. Best Ondemand delivery Brand
  21. Best Ground Delivery Brand
  22. Best Air Cargo Brand
  23. Best Drone delivery provider
  24. Entreprenuer of the Year
  1. Digital Business of the year
  2. Advertising Campaigns
  3. Fastest Growing brand
  4. Best HR brand
  5. Best finance company
  6. Best consultancy
  7. Start up of the Year
  8. Entreprenuer of the Year
  9. Ecommerce Business - Lifesytle
  10. Ecommerce Business - Real Estate
  11. Ecommerce Business - Auto
  12. Ecommerce Business - Technology
  13. Ecommerce Business - Media
  14. Ecommerce Business - Education
  15. Ecommerce Business -Finance
  16. Ecommerce Business - Groceries
  17. Ecommerce Business - Home Delivery
  18. Ecommerce Business - Pet Foods
  1. Best Tech Brand in Dispatch
  2. Best Tech in Digital Business
  3. Dispatch Software
  4. Most affortable marketplace
  5. Best App developer
  6. Fastest Growing brand
  7. Best HR brand
  8. Best developer
  9. Best consultancy
  10. Best 3 party Marketplace application
  11. Start up of the Year
  12. Entreprenuer of the Year
  13. Best Website Innovation
  14. Best POS Developer


  • ONSIDE Media